Located in Washington Heights in New York City, the Cloisters is a part of Metropolitan Museum of Art which was built and promoted back in the 1930’s. Suffice to say, there is much history and significance in every aspect of the museum building’s design. Bus Companies NY customers have always thought of visiting this charter bus rental NYC site as absolutely essential in understanding how Medieval Europe had a role to play in forming, shaping and evolving in a large, sleepless city like New York city.
Located on the northern part of Manhattan Island, there is a beautiful, well-maintained garden alongside the museum which charter bus guests can explore to their hearts’ contents. One can definitely appreciate every single little French-related exhibit there is in the museum and even for the untrained and inexperienced eyes, it is a sight to behold. It brings you back in time and some of the NY coach bus tour visitors said that they felt like turning back the hands of time. Let’s face it, we have come a long way from when there was French medieval influence in our society. The biggest modern influence from Europe that we can see today is basically, well....the cuisine.
Many visitors might not know this fact before coming to this New York city attraction - French buildings of Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa, Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert, Bonnefont-en-comminges, Trie-en-Biggore and Froville were torn down, one brick at a time, and the materials were then methodically shipped to New York to be reassembled on the grounds of Fort Tyron Park. So, this is basically a building that is French-made and have the one of the biggest historical significance in the heart of New York city. In fact, the building is listed as a historical sight under the National Register of Historic Places and that is all the more reason why we should make a charter bus NY stop here - whether we are into art, structures, architecture or not.
The stop is extremely a relaxing place to be, to spend an afternoon exploring the grounds, enjoying the atmosphere and sipping a cup of chamomile tea. The collection isn’t big but they are absolutely jaw-droppingly beautiful. There is something very dreamy about the exhibits...it is almost like someone is showing you what they dreamt about. And what is truly awesome about the exhibits is that they are uncomplicated and easy to digest.
The herb garden contain various interesting and fragrant herbs on the grounds and they are proven to have medicinal and utilitarian properties. In a concrete jungle like Manhattan, the Cloisters serves as a green lung to the busy residents of New York.